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Don’t Let Our Church Well Go Dry!
From Carol Bashore, Missions Chair
Thank you for supporting our Water for Life project with many generous donations. This project builds “clean water wells” in impoverished areas throughout the world. Imagine walking miles for water from a possibly contaminated river. Access to clean water improves health and prevents the spread of diseases. Each well constructed costs approximately $750.
Since January our church has collected enough money for more than three wells. Yeah! What a notable accomplishment. However, wouldn’t it be wonderful to make it an Extraordinary Accomplishment.
Let’s keep our well replenished with weekly or monthly donations. Our goal is to raise enough money to build 10 or more wells by the end of the school year on June 7. If church attendance is at 150 people per week, and each of us adds $2 per week (or $10 per person for three months) into the well to reach our goal. I know we can do this.
Donations may be put directly into the well bucket or placed in the weekly offering plate. Online giving is also available. Donations in the offering plate should be in a Designated Well Project envelope, so as not to be confused with your general offering. If you want your donations credited to your financial statement, please put your name with your donation.
To keep us informed, and encouraged to meet our goal, there will be a rising well-meter hanging from the roof of the well. Each week we can look at the advancing red line to observe how our donations are continuing to build more wells.
Every time we shower, drink, cook, or clean with fresh water, we should be grateful for this luxury. Give thanks for our blessings and help provide for those not so fortunate. We Love Clean H2O!
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