UPDATE 12/16/24: The Missions Committee thanks everyone who participated in the Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Angel Tree project. Today, a car full of gifts—winter coats, clothing, personal care products, household items, toys, and gift cards—was delivered to the Salvation Army. Because of your generosity, this family will have a memorable Christmas.
Angel Tree 2023 – Thank You for Your Generosity
From Carol Bashore, Missions
Our Missions Committee finished its recent food drive for Helping Harvest, packed the foods you donated, and wrote a check for money you gave to help the hungry in Berks County. Again, with your help we surpassed our goals for giving.
The Missions Committee announced that this year as a congregation, we will be participating in the annual holiday Angel Tree Project through the Salvation Army supporting two families. The first family was selected to use the traditional method of taking tags off the tree located in the Wagner Room at the rear of the sanctuary. If selecting to give a gift this way, please make sure you label the gift using the code S-279. The second family comprised of a mother, father and a 5-year old boy were selected to use an online sign up method. An online sign up site was created so that you can sign up electronically for items that they need. If you select to give a gift this way, you will need to label the gift item with the code S-787.
The online link, located at the end of this announcement, can also be found on our church web page or the church Facebook page. The Angel Tree project, a congregation well-supported favorite for years, has a deadline of Sunday, December 10. All personal gifts for both families must be wrapped with the family code clearly printed on the gift and brought to church by the 10th. Household items need to be marked with the family code, but do not need to be gift wrapped. All gifts are to be dropped off at the tree in the Wagner Room.
In an effort to insure the families get as many gifts as possible the committee will be monitoring the online gifts as well as the tags on the tree to assure all family members have gifts Christmas morning. Again, make sure all your packages are marked with the correct family code and name.
Click on the link and follow the instructions of selecting your items:
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