In our world, can you imagine being free and not knowing it? Imagine being pardoned for a crime but remaining in prison because no one informs you that you’ve been freed.
From The Pastor, March 2023
Dear Friends,
Already, we’re in the Lenten season, which began Ash Wednesday, February 22, and will continue for 40 days. We don’t find the observance of these 40 days of Lent in the Bible. However, we do read about Noah, his family, and the animals being in the ark 40 days, thus saving them from the flood.
We know about the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness before they were led into the Promised Land. And, we also know about Jesus being in the wilderness for 40 days before He started His public ministry.
Lent is a time of self-examination, providing opportunity to turn our hearts and minds toward God. The word Lent actually comes from the word Lengthen or Lencten, which refers to the lengthening of days in spring. Interestingly, Lent and spring have similar meanings. Like spring, Lent gives way to new life.
In Hebrew tradition, the number 40 implies a sense of completion. Lent ends with the celebration of the Easter. For early Christians there was much joy when they gathered for the Easter celebration.
By now you must have heard about my plans to retire from active ministry this June. After 38 years as an ordained Pastor, I feel a need to slow down, take a break, and do some things that I’ve always wanted to do. Due to the busy life of ministry settings Christy and I have been in for many years, we’ve not seen or spent time with some of our close family and friends. So, one thing we hope to accomplish is visiting those dear ones during my retirement.
I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to serve among you, and I’ll cherish the memories of our time together. As I transition into retirement, I want to assure you that my love for our church and its members will continue. I have every confidence that God will continue to bless and guide our community in the years ahead, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for all of us.
Pastor Quentin Wallace, who currently serves at Covenant UMC in Lancaster, has been appointed to Lincoln Park beginning July. I’ve known Pastor Wallace for many years. He is a fine Pastor who will serve Lincoln Park well. I’ve already extended a warm welcome to him on your behalf, and he looks forward to being at Lincoln Park.
Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a Blessed Lent and a Happy Easter in advance!
With warm regards and prayers,
Pastor Chris
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