Pastor Quentin Wallace and Church Council members accept the One Matters Award from District Superintendent Evelyn Kent Clark at First UM Church, Fairless Hills, Bucks County, during the Conference annual awards ceremony on April 6.
Join Our New Young Adult Group for a Service Project
When 11 of our young adults met for dinner on January 31, they shared more than pasta and babysitters — most importantly, a desire to meet again. They agreed on a service project for their first event.
On Friday, March 18, 5:30–7:30 pm, in our Church Kitchen, they plan to make soup for the Greater Mifflin Food Pantry.
Please join them to help out if you’d like to be part of this group. Babysitting provided!
Other shared interests for future events include:
- Social events like dinners, brunches, picnics
- A parents’ group
- Sports — hiking, bowling, skiing, skating, etc.
- Informative programs (or series of programs) about parenting, family, stress, time management, coping, religion, or other topics relevant to their stage of life.
A second event for spring will possibly be a video and discussion about parenting.
Lastly, there was much enthusiasm for the formation of a children’s choir, and two of our young adults – Krista Gilham and KC Dianna – eagerly volunteered to lead it. Rehearsals begin Tuesday, March 1, 6-6:30 pm, at the church. All children 10 and under are most welcome.
So, the ball is rolling. Now all you need to do is come! If you have questions, suggestions, or would like to be added to our email list, contact Cheri Fallon, Coordinator.
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