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Sun. Jan. 19 - One Service at 9 AM
Music News

Music News

Music NewsFrom Beverly Perella

Christmas Cantata – Sunday, December 13, at 11 am, features the Chancel Choir, the Bell Choir, soloists, instrumentalists, and narrators in a performance of Lloyd Larson’s Were You There on that Christmas Night?

Christmas Eve

CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY CANDLELIGHT SERVICE at 7 pm– The children will present a nativity musical, The First Christmas by Teresa Jennings and Karl Hitzemann. Lindsey Villecco portrays a Sunday School teacher who tells the Christmas story in poetry and song with the help of the children. There will be an accompanying video of our own LP children acting out the Bible story of Christ’s birth.


The choir is still looking and listening for new members! Are you still “burying” that gift of music? Perhaps you can’t commit to a weekly rehearsal and service, but you could help out for the Christmas Concert and/or Christmas Eve. There’s nothing to fear about our rehearsals unless you don’t like to laugh! And don’t
worry, we have enough choir robes for an army. Please talk to Beverly.

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