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Sun. Jan. 19 - One Service at 9 AM

Sunday Morning Schedule Changes

From Pastor David McMillan

We’ve made a few changes to our Sunday morning schedule for 2012–2013. There are several reasons for these changes:

  1. A designated Sunday School hour provides an opportunity for all members of our congregation, children through adults, to interact and nurture relationships.
  2. Children, 2nd grade and up, will remain in the sanctuary where they can learn to worship God through liturgy and the example of their parents and elders.
  3. The logistical problems sometimes encountered when transitioning from our first service to our second service will be alleviated.

The overall objective of these changes is to strengthen a spirit of Christian community.


9:00-9:55 am Contemporary Worship
9:55-10:10 am Adult Fellowship Time, Memorial Hall
Children’s Fellowship Time, Perkins Education Center
10:10-10:50 am Sunday School for Children and Adults
11:00 am-12:00 pm Traditional Worship


Please note that there will be no Sunday school on Sunday, September 9. As part of our “Kick-Off Celebration,” we will share breakfast together in Memorial Hall during the Sunday School hour.

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