Our God has promised to be with us in all situations, keeping us afloat when problems try to drown us, and not allowing us to be overcome by flames of despair in trying times.
From The Pastor – July 2023
From Pastor Quentin Wallace
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. — Romans 8:28
Hello Lincoln Park Family,

Over the next four seasons, those whose names were on the Flight 828 manifest sought answers as to why they’d gone through and shared this unique experience. Without giving away the ending, I will say that flight number 828 was intentionally added by the writers of the series. Romans chapter 8: verse 28 says, All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.
At the conclusion of each episode it was evident that all things had worked together for good. Nothing had ever occurred by accident or happenstance.
I believe my appointment to Lincoln Park Community UMC at this time in history is when we were supposed to enter into our ministry journey together, and it’s not by chance but a divine appointment.
Let me explain. In 2002, while still an Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, I spoke with a United Methodist District Superintendent about ministry opportunities in the United Methodist Church, and he mentioned the possibility of my being an associate at Lincoln Park. As you know, things didn’t work out for that to happen. In my life experiences, I’ve found that people don’t always go straight to their destinies but are sometimes detoured.
In my case, before arriving at LPCUMC, I went from one Methodist denomination to another, from being a fulltime college administrator and part time pastor to becoming a full time pastor. I served three congregations in Reading and then one in Lancaster before arriving at Lincoln Park.
I believe God needed to prepare me and my family for Lincoln Park and the LP congregation for me and my family.
I thank God for the preparation and I’m so excited about this opportunity to serve your congregation. Together we’ll use our gifts and skills to accomplish what God has called us to. We’ll bless one another and the community as we fulfill God’s plan for us. I look forward to meeting the LPCUMC members and building relationships.
Thanks and Blessings,
Pastor Quentin
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