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Introducing Our Confirmands
Dear church family, four of our confirmands were confirmed during a special service on November 8th at 2:30pm at our church. It was a blessed occasion, and we laid our hands on them, prayed for them, and invited them to join the fellowship of believers at Lincoln Park Church family and to be faithful United Methodists. We congratulate Matthew and Madison Kauffman, son and daughter of Jackie and Mike; Nathan Lamm, son of Robert and Sally; and Kaylee Cipolla, daughter of Sarah and Peter; and ask for your continued prayers.
The mentors for the candidates were: Kyle Robbins for Matthew, Chelsea Robbins for Madison, Earl Hope for Nathan, and Kris Wright for Kaylee.
For this class, we used a mentor-based Confirmation guide, Make Disciples, written by Bishop William Willimon. The candidates started the process about one year ago, meeting with mentors mostly virtually due to Covid-19. In the beginning of the process, we had some common sessions, and we had a retreat at the end, led by the Rev. Robert Wilt, a retired Elder and friend of mine.
We welcome these fine young people into our fellowship of believers at Lincoln Park Community United Methodist Church.
You can view the Confirmation service in its entirety below: