Our God has promised to be with us in all situations, keeping us afloat when problems try to drown us, and not allowing us to be overcome by flames of despair in trying times.
From Pastor Christopher Kurien – November 2019
Dear Friends,

Greetings to you in our Lord’s name! So much could be said about this time of the year.
On November 3, we’ll remember some of our saints who have gone to be with the Lord. We pray for God’s continued comfort and peace for those mourning the loss of a family member or friend during this season.
Every November, we honor National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week before Thanksgiving. It’s a time for thinking about what we’re thankful for, as well as for sharing compassion with our homeless neighbors and for working toward a world where no one has to experience hunger and homelessness.
On December1, the first Sunday of Advent, we begin a season of preparation for celebrating the birth of Christ. I hope in the midst of preparing, we try to keep the main thing the main thing because Jesus is the reason for the season.
In January 2020, we begin our Platinum Jubilee year: It will be 75 years since the founding of Lincoln Park United Methodist Church. We are planning for a whole year of celebrations. On page 6 of the Nov-Dec 2019 News-Linc, you can read about some of our plans for the coming year. These are exciting times for our congregation. Please consider being part of the planning committee or an event that interests you. Would you kindly email or call me with any ideas you may have for us to further consider?
Six of us recently participated in our joint Charge Conference, at Lima UMC, Media. In a video call, the General Secretary of Discipleship Ministries reminded us that we, as a congregation, need to grow in our “intentional discipleship-making process.” Our Church Council will be discussing this in coming months.
Confirming young people is one of our intentional disciple-making ministries. I’ve announced during Sunday services that Confirmation that will take place during the Easter season. If you think your children or grandchildren are ready to be part of this class, would you please bring their names to my attention as soon as possible? The criterion is that youth who are able to engage in faith conversations should be part of the Confirmation Class. Generally speaking, 7th or 8th grade is a good time to begin this process.
Let me also share with you that we have a great group of young people in our church, and I am very proud of them. They’ve recently elected their officers for the coming year, and we congratulate all of them.
May we continue to experience God’s goodness and love in all that we do as disciples of Jesus.
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