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Vacation Bible School 2018
VBS- Bible Heroes, Part II- The Lives of Esther, Moses and David
Did you know that Persian Queen Esther also had a Hebrew name? It was Hadassah which means myrtle tree. Could you risk your life like Esther did to save her nation of Jewish people? Why was the baby Moses placed in a basket woven from grasses, twigs, and leaves, and not in a small boat made of wood? There’s a simple answer — wood was scarce in ancient Egypt! Can you name all of the colors in Joseph’s coat, or can you interpret dreams like he did? Were these three people really superhuman? No, they were just normal people whom God asked to do remarkable tasks!
So what did these three have in common? Although at times they did express some doubt as to their ability to do what God asked, they knew that God was always with them, no matter how difficult their lives became. It was their belief and trust in God that gave them the strength to carry out His plan for each of them. So the motto for this year’s VBS is the same as it was last year — GOD IS ALWAYS WITH ME!
Our VBS kids (age 2–grade 3) will experience a glimpse into the lives of Esther, Moses, and Joseph through activities, stories, videos, crafts, music, and much more. So mark the dates of July 24, 25, and 26 on your calendar even if you don’t have kids in this age bracket because you do have a task to do. Look around your neighborhood, call your grandchildren, niece,s and nephews and invite them to join us from 6–7:15 on these nights. And remember, GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU no matter how old you are!
Our youth group Summit will be assisting as they have in the past. Could you help, too? Just tell Beverly and she will be certain to include you!
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