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Review: Vacation Bible School 2017
by Beverly Perella
Our second annual VBS for young children (as young as 18 months and as old as 7) featured the stories of Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, and Jonah and the Whale. Eleven little ones assisted by 15 of our youth created their own arks, met the “real” David (Adam Gehr) and Goliath (Ken Hoch) as they acted out their battle, and crawled through the belly of the whale after Jonah (Ryan Chadwick) was saved by God. These three tales reminded the children that “God is always with us,” the theme for our program.
Each evening began with a craft followed by the story, a song, a game, and, of course, an appropriate snack including whale gummies! Special thanks to Kim Zachmann, a member of our church and an art teacher, for her skills at creating a walk-through whale, a boat, and the backdrop for Noah’s Ark. Our new pastors Kyung Mo and SunAe Koo offered nightly assistance and assumed the role of photographer, and Barb Leas was my able and willing assistant. Thanks to Lowe’s Home Improvement for the refrigerator boxes and to Jim Gehman for picking them up. I am indeed grateful to all who helped or participated.
The dates for VBS for 2018 are July 24, 25, & 26. It’s never too early to mark your calendar or to offer help!
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