Free Breakfast + Worship
UPDATE: Free Breakfast for April 26 is CANCELLED. Please join us on our Facebook page at 10 AM for a live stream of our worship service. You are cordially invited to a FREE breakfast and worship service held every fourth Sunday of the month here at Lincoln Park, beginning at 8:45 AM. Join us downstairs in Memorial Hall at 8:45 AM to fill up on eggs, breakfast meats, pastries, cereal, fruit, and much more! Bring a friend!

New Member Class 2017
A new member class will be held on November 19, 3-6 PM in Memorial Hall. If you are interested in becoming a member of Lincoln Park Community UMC, a sign-up sheet is on the table in the Wagner Room.

Wednesday Bible Class
Pastor SunAe Lee-Koo is leading a Bible class on the That the World May Know film series by Ray Vander Laan. The class meets Wednesdays 10-11:30 AM, in the library. Please join and learn more about the living, breathing Word of God.